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Category: Publishing in Iran

Iran denies banning of Paulo Coelho’s books

Read the statement of the Embassy of Iran in Brasilia here. To know about what started this visit here and here. Also read more about the case in Times. Here is my statement in response: I read the statement of the Embassy of Iran in Brasilia with astonishment. I felt pity for a government whose only resort against the public...

Paulo Coelho’s books are banned in Iran

I was informed two days ago by someone I know in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran (unfortunately I cannot disclose the person’s name for their security) that they have an order to ban all of Paulo Coelho’s books in Iran, and no books having Paulo Coelho’s name on them as their author will be authorized to...

International Publishers Association Calls for the Immediate Release of Publishes List of Arrested Iranian Journalists, Publishers & Writers

Source: International Publishers Association Geneva, 31 July 2009 Following the massive wave of arrests targeting bloggers, journalists, publishers and writers, the International Publishers Association (IPA) publishes a list of some of those under arrest (see Note for Editors), and demands their immediate release. IPA also calls on the Iranian authorities to drop the investigation of Arash Hejazi, the publisher who...

Copyright: what are they talking about?

Every time in Frankfurt, I see people anxious, running from one appointment to another, eager to do their business, to find a place in the publishing world that is bravely resisting against the danger of extinction. “What are they hurrying to do?” was my first impression the first time I went to Frankfurt, and it didn’t take me long to...

Facing the Gap: What are you doing here?

A hand shakes me. I open my eyes wearily. It is our lovely flight attendant of the gigantic Lufthansa plane. “We are preparing to land sir,” she says, “please return the back of your seat to the upright position, and fasten your seatbelt.” I try to move clumsily. “Sir, would you like a drink before we land?” While drinking my...

Iranian Authors: is there a new voice being created?

Although translation plays an important role in Iranian book market, the local authors are very significant among the Persian readership. Contemporary classics such as Sadeq Hedayat (although completely forbidden since the Ahmadinezhad administration), Mahmood Dolatabadi, Sadeq Choobak, Hooshang Golshiri and the others are read with huge popularity among Iranians. The new generation of Iranian authors, not widely translated yet, are...